"Woodhaven," a frame, two-story residence on the Henderson Hall properties was constructed by Henderson brother Henry Clay. Throughout the years it has been occupied by various other family members including the last surviving member of the Boaz family Michael Rolston who died in 2007.
In a letter in the Henderson Hall Archives written in April 1969 from Jock Lee Henderson to his niece Enid, whose family once lived in the home, Lee described how the house got its name - and it has nothing to do with the trees on the property.
"Perhaps you remember how Woodhaven got its name. During our early childhood the house stood vacant and we children would go up and peer in the windows. I recall that a baby buggy stood there through the years.
"The yard had grown up in weeds and brush and when the time came for your mother and father to move in there was work to be done inside and outside," Uncle Lee told his niece.
There were two goats kept in a nearby lot.
"After dinner one day, going back up the road, we saw Mr. Billy Goat standing at an upstairs window and looking down at us," Lee said.
Apparently quite a struggle ensued getting the animal back down the stairs and out of the house.
"It happened that about this time Mama (Anna Rosalie Henderson) ran across a funny story in one of the magazines she took about a Woodhaven goat, so a name was found for your childhood home," - and so it goes - (Enid was the daughter of George Travis and Rachel Henderson who once resided at Woodhaven)